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World Cup online betting is at its highest economia works better with JavaScript enabled. Your current browser is not capable of using this site without JavaScript. Please use an updated browser or enable JavaScript to continue. Raian Ali, Emily Arden-Close, John McAlaney and Keith Phalp World Cup online betting is at its highest Sports betting is worth up to £625bn per year, with 70% of that trade reckoned to come from football Caption: The amount of money spent on gambling during the World Cup in the UK is expected to more-than double During big sporting competitions, such as the World Cup, even more money is spent gambling than usual. Over the 2018 World Cup, bookmakers are estimated to make a profit of US$36.4bn (£27.5bn). And in the UK, the amount of money spent on gambling during the World Cup is expected to more than double from £1bn in 2014 to £2.5bn this year. Sports gambling is being driven by the unlimited availability of online betting and the fact that no physical money is exchanged, making financial transactions seem less real. The vast amount of data that online gambling sites collect also enables them to personalise offers to individual gamblers. Instead, this data should be used to help people gamble responsibly by warning users in real-time that they are exhibiting problematic gambling behaviours.
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